By Califia Farms

If you’ve ever enjoyed an almondmilk latte, you know the light, velvety texture that comes alive in your cup. But not all almondmilks are made equally — so not all almondmilk lattes taste the same. Barista Blend, one of our best-selling plant milks, is perfect for steaming due to the proper levels of fat, protein, and thickness in each carton.

How you use it, however, is up to you. Steaming is a great option, and given how well it performs, we recommend it in your latte or cappuccino. But pour it straight into your coffee and you’ll enjoy Barista Blend’s dynamic nature —  hot or cold, it’s your coffee’s best friend.

In fact, if you’re the adventurous type who loves to whip up high-quality drinks at home, you’ll really enjoy this tutorial about how to properly craft an almondmilk latte. Click here for the step-by-step instructions feature world champion barista Devin Chapman and our Barista Blend. Keep your eyes and ears open for his tips and tricks — they really make a difference!

Should you have any questions at all about Barista Blend, where to find it, how to use it, or if you want to drop us a line telling us how much better your morning latte is now that you’ve discovered it, hit us up on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We’re always happy to help — or just chat coffee!